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The 2020 Race Day Guide

The annual Race for the Arts is less than a week away! Here's everything you need to know - gathered all in one place for your convenience.


From the Steeplechase Team:

The highest priority of the Steeplechase at Callaway, a 501(c)3 organization, is the safety, well-being and peace of mind of our patrons, volunteers and participants. Utilizing the guidance set forth by the Georgia DPH and Harris County Health Department, as well as direction from the State of Georgia and the CDC – we have made adjustments in response to the current environment.

100% of our event is held outdoors, and we have over 90 acres of land at our disposal. We feel that we can use this wonderful space to our advantage and safely hold our Race. We will have a renewed focus on the simple pleasures of Steeplechase Racing: enjoying a day outdoors with family and friends and world-class Thoroughbred racing.

To ensure that the 2020 Steeplechase at Callaway is a safe as possible for all of our Patrons and Participants, we are focused on three main objectives: limiting attendance to 50% of total capacity, reducing density, and protecting the health and safety of all participants.


  • Ticket Sales will be limited to 50% of total capacity

  • All patrons must be part of a Reserved Seating arrangement. In 2020, we are unable to sell single tickets not attached to a Reserved Seating arrangement. The only individual ticket sold this year will be for the Steeplechase Hunt Club.

  • Terrace Boxes, Top of the Turn Boxes, Reserved Rail, Stretch Patio and Stretch Rail will all be spaced out. A limit of three (3) Reserved Spaces are allowed to be bought together before a mandatory space.

  • No TSYS Infield or additional Terrace level tickets will be sold.

  • Hospitality Tents will be spread out and reduced to half of their designed capacity.

  • Patrons will drive their own vehicles all the way to their Reserved Parking area. No Free Parking will be available at the Front Gate, and no Shuttle Service will be provided this year.

  • Gates will open at 9 AM this year to allow more time for Patrons to arrive and settle in. Pony Races begin at 12 NOON and the NSA Races at 1 PM.

  • Patrons are encouraged to social distance and avoid creating gatherings or crowded spaces. Please make room for other Patrons when you approach the Rails or move about the Grounds.

  • Multiple restrooms, hand wash and hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the Steeplechase Grounds.

  • Vendors in the Blade and Bow Pavilion will be spread out and offer contactless transactions when possible.

  • Country’s Barbeque and Chick-Fil-A will have food and non-alcoholic beverages for sale in the Blade & Bow Pavilion. As always, Patrons are welcome to pack their own picnics and coolers.

  • All events that encourage gathering will be cancelled for 2020. Look for the return of the Hat Contest, Silent Auction, Jack Russell Terrier Races and Children’s Stick Pony Race and Kids Corral in 2021.

We are extremely grateful to all of our Sponsors and Patrons who allow us to put on ‘The Event of the Season’ each year. Thank you for your continued support of the Steeplechase at Callaway Gardens!

These guidelines are subject to change at any time, based on emerging guidance from the leading health authorities. Any person entering the premises waives all civil liability against this premises owner and operator for any injuries caused by the inherent risk associated with contracting COVID-19 at public gatherings, except for gross negligence, willful and want misconduct, reckless infliction of harm, or intentional infliction of harm, by the individual or entity of the premises.



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