Columbus Symphony Orchestra is set to open their 2022-23 season this week with a concert featuring repertoire Maestro George Del Gobbo selected to highlight the immense talent and skill of the orchestra's members.
The CSO is the second oldest orchestra in the nation, and has been under Del Gobbo's baton since 1987. A master of the orchestral repertoire, Del Gobbo knows what to program and how to showcase his musicians well. Every piece is selected for a specific reason with many factors taken into account to build the program for every concert. Among these factors is the audience itself. After thirty-five years, the beloved Maestro has an intimate understanding of the orchestra's audience and what they love to hear.
In preparation for Saturday's concert, we asked the Maestro to provide some insight about the repertoire he's chosen to kick off this season, why these particular pieces were selected and what he'd like the audience to know before you go.
Q: What are you looking forward to most about this season?
A: The same thing I anticipate before every season and every concert: the opportunity to
make music with my friends and colleagues in the Columbus Symphony. This is what we
live for. This is what brings us the most satisfaction, forgetting all else and concentrating on
bringing to life for our audience the work of the world’s greatest composers.
Q: How do you feel the landscape of classical music has been altered by COVID? Are you
seeing a return to pre-pandemic audience engagement/ticket sales?
A: We remain aware of the existence of the virus. We take the necessary precautions for both
our orchestra and audience to help to ensure their safety. After almost two years of
relative isolation, our audience wants to return to normal as much as possible. A part of
that includes attending concerts and hearing live music. We are slowly returning to pre
pandemic numbers.
Q:What is something our readers should know about this particular set of (INCREDIBLE)
repertoire selections? What made you group these masterworks together?
A: There is no secret formula. Some concerts are programmed around a theme, i.e.
“Remembering…” which features music written about and dedicated to friends both living
and dead. Some are loosely based on a less defined idea. Our first concert of the season is
an example of this. It reflects our desire to show off the amazing technical and musical
skills of our musicians. Concerts can also be programmed around stylistic periods,
particular guest artists, etc. The important thing is to offer an evening of music that has
the potential to entertain and enlighten our audience.
Q: What else would you like for our readers to know before they attend the concert?
A: Come with open ears. Be ready to experience the thrill of hearing a live orchestra. There
is nothing quite like it. Be comfortable. A concert is not a formal event. There is no dress
code. We want you to sit back, relax, and let us take you on a musical adventure. ◾️
If You Go:
What: 'Myths, Legends & Folk Tunes'
When: September 17, 7:30 PM