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Arts & Culture from Home: A Resource Guide

During this time of social distancing, continuing to engage in arts & culture is more essential than ever. Our team at The Columbusite has been brainstorming ways we can best serve you during this time, and we decided that developing a series on how to engage with arts & culture from home would be the most helpful thing we can offer you.

Over the coming weeks, we'll be publishing lists of resources geared to equip all of us to continue enjoying the benefits of arts & culture in our lives - from home.

First up? Art! (Next, will be a master list of local ways/links to support the arts during this time.)

Our hope is that by equipping you with some of our favorite resources, we can all lean in together in simple ways that enrich our lives during this time. Questions? We're with you, and happy to to help. Just ask!

Ever onward, together.

*Note: None of the following products and resources are owned by The Columbusite. The products and/or resources found in this article belong to the sources linked. In other words? This is not a sponsored post, and our company is not benefitting in any way by sharing these items with you.

Virtual Explorations

If you've never accessed Google Arts & Culture, you're missing out on one of the most valuable and vast resources on the internet! Thanks to Google's collaborations and partnerships with galleries and museums all over the world, they've developed this resource to grant users access to millions of works of art, virtual gallery tours, videos, and articles on just about everything under the sun.

Explore International Collections

Google Arts & Culture has over 1,200 partnerships around the world. Access them all here, or start with our favorites from some of the most popular art collections in the world:

Connect with Local Art

Access the Permanent Collections of Local Galleries

Did you know that you can view nearly all of the art in our local galleries online?

The National Infantry Museum (Recently voted #1 Free Museum in the Nation!)

The Do Good Fund (About this local public charity + collection)

Watch 5 Films Courtesy of Local Artist Bo Bartlett

Read The Stories of Local Artists

We're proud to tell the stories of local artists and their work. Here's a list of some of our favorite stories and interviews on local artists:

Gloria Mani Artist, Gallery Owner, Fine Art Restorations

Charles Fowler Artist, Curator of Pasaquan

Jori Kent Artist

Gina Tew Graphic Designer, Illustrator

Mollie Jenkins Ceramic Artist

Yuichiro Komatsu Ceramic Artist, Professor

Looking for a local artist to support during this time? Clink the link below to view our Art Directory where we showcase the work of local artists and connect you to them directly via custom links to each artist.

Click the image above to be directed to this resource.

Read, read, read.

Here's a list of links to some of our favorite arts & culture reads from larger publications around the world. The topics cover everything from the life and work of Georgie O'Keefe to the story of a non-traditional Southern farmer with an unexpected impact.

Who Was Georgia O'Keefe? (from Google Arts & Culture)

The Lipstick Queen of Farming (from The Bitter Southerner)

The Portrait with a Deathly Secret (from Google Arts & Culture)

Impact of the Arts in Georgia (from Georgia Council for the Arts' Blog)

Marilyn Monroe, A Life Big Enough for Opera (from National Endowment for the Arts' Blog)


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